April 19, 2017
Spring Outdoors Activities That Children Will Love (And Adults Secretly Will Too!)
Have the winter doldrums turned your charming munchkins into devilish troublemakers? Has being cooped up indoors made your normally lovely children, bored and whiny? Is everyone in your family in desperate need of fresh air and a little vitamin D? -
April 05, 2017
7 Children’s Books to Help Usher in Spring and Celebrate Easter
Spring is in the air. It’s that time of year again when pastel tulips, brightly colored eggs and life sized fluffy bunnies all begin to make an appearance. There’s something symbolic and peaceful for the season where growth and new life emerges with the warmer weather from the doldrums of winter with a bright and airy newness. Along with the increased temperatures, Springtime means a variety of holidays and celebrations, both religious and secular.
Whether you celebrate Easter in a formal religious setting or as a secular family get-together, the event is a perfect opportunity to gift a child in your life with a brand new book. We’ve compiled a list of our 7 favorite Springtime and Easter stories, all available at Bryson’s Books store. Usher in the season by reading one of these with your child this Spring.
March 22, 2017
Illustrator Spotlight: Eduardo Paj
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. When it comes to children’s stories, illustrations work with the written plot to create an immersive world for young minds just beginning to explore the limits of their imagination through books. Enter the artist, whose mission it is to bring the written word to life through pictures, engaging readers by jumpstarting the visual portion of the story within a child’s, or adult’s, mind. -
March 08, 2017
These 7 Books Will Bestow the Luck of the Irish on their Readers
Has there ever been a more misunderstood holiday than St. Patrick’s Day? During our youngest years we’re taught to wear green and pinch, or at the very least give a solid teasing, to our classmates who have failed to comply with this unwritten rule. As adults, more than a few poor decisions have been made over a pint, or two, of green colored beer. And annually on March 17th you can count on anyone with even a hint of red hair, green eyes or a passable imitation brogue, to be sporting a “Kiss Me: I’m Irish” slogan somewhere on their person.
While these modern pastimes make for good entertainment, they have little to do with the origins of the festive holiday. This St. Patrick’s Day, why not start a fresh tradition with your children and explore a new culture with the historical roots of the holiday. Looking for a place to start? You’re in luck! We’ve got 7 books that are sure to inform and entertain children of all ages with tales of Irish luck, mystical leprechauns and beautiful green isles. So settle in, put down the beer goggles and get to reading one of these fabulous books about all things Irish.
February 22, 2017
Books for Children: A Modern (and Welcome) Invention
There aren’t many of us in modern times that can’t look back with fond memories at their first children’s book. Whether it was one of the Little Golden Book series with its distinctive gilt binding or something similar to the more modern Little Engine that Could standalone, that first childhood story has become a rite of passage and as common in households with young children as diapers, rattles or building blocks. It seems foreign, then, to imagine that children’s books as we know them today are a modern invention and much different from those read a few hundred or even a mere 100 years ago.